
Meteorite Action!

1977-02-05 : Innisfree (Canada)

Spatial and Temporal Informations

Location of fall
Innisfree (Alberta, Canada)
53°24'53" N, -111°20'14" E
Date of fall
February 5, 1977 19h 17mn 38s LT
February 6, 1977 02h 17mn 38s UT
Fireball duration
4.09 s
Initial velocity
14.54 km/s
Start height of bolide
72 km
Terminal height of bolide
21 km
Fireball terminal velocity
4.70 km/s
Trajectory slope (// horizontal)
67.8 °

Physical and kinetics Informations

Maximum absolute magnitude
-12.1 ( 36 km of height )
Pre-atmospheric mass of the meteoroid
20 kg
Total known weight (TKW)
4.58 kg (until 1977 )
9 fragments:
  • February 17, 1977 : 2070 g
  • April 9, 1977 : 33 g
  • April 10, 1977 : 120 g et 345 g
  • April 11, 1977 : 894 g
  • April 21, 1977 : 330 g
  • May 1, 1977 : 22 g
  • May 3, 1977 : 387 g
  • May 8, 1977 : 375 g
3.5 g cm-3
Ordinary chondrite LL5 (with Hypersthene)


Semimajor axis (a)
1.872 UA
Inclination (i)
12.27 °
Eccentricity (e)
Longitude of ascending nodet (W)
316.80 °
Argument of perihelion (w)
177.97 °
Perihelion distance (q)
0.986 UA
Aphelion distance (Q)
2.758 UA
Vue parallele au grand axe
Vue parallele à la ligne des noeuds


The innisfree meteorite fall: a photographic analysis of fragmantation, dynamics and luminosity
I. Halliday, A. Griffin, A. Blackwell
Meteoritics and Planetary Science. Supplement 16 [2] (1981), pp. 153-170
The Innisfree meteorite and the canadian camera network
I. halliday, A. Blackwell, A. Griffin
Journal Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 12 [1] (1978), pp. 15-39