
Meteorite Action!

1959-04-07 : Príbram (Czech Republic)

Spatial and Temporal Informations

Location of fall
Príbram (Czech Republic)
49°40' N, 14°2' E
Date of fall
April 7, 1959 20h 30mn 21s ± 1s LT
April 7, 1959 19h 30mn 21s ± 1s UT
Fireball duration
7 s
Initial velocity
20.89 ± 0.01 km/s
Start height of bolide
98 km
Start Coordinates
49°23'26" N, 15°20'45" E
Terminal height of bolide
13 km
Terminal Coordinates
49°40'18" N, 14°11'24" E
Trajectory slope (// horizontal)
43 °

Physical and kinetics Informations

Maximum absolute magnitude
-19.2 ( 46 km of height )
Pre-atmospheric mass of the meteoroid
250 - 2000 kg
Corresponding size (diameter)
1.8 m
Total known weight (TKW)
5.730 kg
4 fragments:
  • April 9, 1959 : 4425 g "Luhy"
  • April 24, 1959 : 772 g "Velka"
  • August 19, 1959 : 428 g "Hojsin"
  • August 25, 1959 : 105 g "Drazkov"
3.50 g cm-3
H5 ordinary chondrite
Cosmic-ray exposure age
12 Million years


Semimajor axis (a)
2.401 ± 0.002 UA
Inclination (i)
10.482 ± 0.004 °
Eccentricity (e)
0.6711 ± 0.0003
Longitude of ascending nodet (W)
17.79147 ± 0.00001 °
Argument of perihelion (w)
241.750 ± 0.013 °
Perihelion distance (q)
0.78951 ± 0.00006 UA
Aphelion distance (Q)
4.012 ± 0.005 UA
Vue parallele au grand axe
Vue parallele à la ligne des noeuds


Multiple fall of Pribram meteorites photographed. 1.
Double-station photographs of the fireball and their relations to the found meteorite
Ceplecha, Z.
Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia 12 (1961), pp. 21-47
Photographic observations of Newschwanstein, a second meteorite fron the orbit of the pribram chondrite
P. Spurny, J. Oberst and D. Heinlein
Nature 423 (2003), pp. 151-153
Multiple fall of Príbram meteorites photographed. III. Rare gas isotopes in the Velká stone meteorite
Stauffer, H.; Urey, H. C.
Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia 13 (1962), pp. 106-108
Multiple fall of Príbram meteorites photographed. 2.Morphological and mineralogical composition of the meteoritic stones of Príbram
Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia 12 (1961), pp. 196-207
Multiple Fall of Príbram Meteorites Photographed. II. Preatmospheric Size and Radiation Age of the Príbram Chondrite
Lavrukhina, A. K.; Fisenko, A. V.; Kolesnikov, E. M.
Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia 25 (1974), pp. 122-126