
Meteorite Action!

1966-04-25 : Pennsylvania/New York (U.S.A)

Spatial and Temporal Informations

Place of observation
(Pennsylvania/New York, U.S.A)
Date of observation
April 25, 1966 19h 14mn ± 1mn LT
April 26, 1966 00h 14mn ± 1mn UT
Fireball duration
30 s
Terminal height of bolide
15 km
Terminal Coordinates
45°4'48" N, 74°16'12" E
Trajectory slope (// horizontal)
4 °

Physical and kinetics Informations

Maximum absolute magnitude


The Fireball of April 25, 1966, I, Canadian Visual Observations
McIntosh, B. A.; Douglas, J. A. V.
Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 61 (1966), pp. 159 - 178